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Qualifications: Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka

Vocational qualification in Information and Communications Technology

Valid from 1.8.2022
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Holders of a vocational qualification in information and communications technology have the vocational skills required for carrying out tasks in the field of information and communications technology and are able to work co-operatively in environments related to information and communications technology. Qualification holders know how to use the vocabulary specific to the field, find out the customer’s needs and make customer-oriented decisions in tasks related to information and communications technology. They ensure that the final result meets the requirements set for the work.

Further vocational qualification in Information and Communication Technology

Valid from 1.1.2021
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Holders of a further vocational qualification in information and communication technology have the vocational skills required to independently plan and implement an assignment according to the customer’s wishes in work tasks and working environments in the information and communication technology sector. They work adeptly, promoting cooperation with different stakeholders. They follow the rapidly changing sector, update their knowledge and develop their competence. They network and share information with other professionals of their field.

Specialist vocational qualification in Information and Communication Technology

Valid from 1.1.2021
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Holders of a specialist vocational qualification in information and communication technology have the vocational skills required for managing the development of information and communication technologies and processing agreements and documents in the sector. They have strong knowledge of the operating environment of information and communications technology, based on which they know how to describe the objectives and manage work to achieve the agreed objectives.