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Qualifications: Maarakennusala

Further vocational qualification in Infrastructure Construction

Valid from 1.1.2020
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Holders of a Further vocational qualification in Infrastructure Construction have the vocational skills needed in work related to infrastructure construction. Qualification holders have mastered the rules and principles of operating in a work community and the environmental perspectives and impacts of their work. They are familiar with different ground types, the methods of infrastructure construction and the conditions affecting them, the materials used in infrastructure construction and the purposes for which they are used. Qualification holders are able to apply their specialist skills to making decisions in their work tasks, plan their work while taking into account the measures and work carried out by others and consider the overall situation at the site.

Specialist Vocational Qualification in Infrastructure Construction

Valid from 1.1.2018
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Qualification holders are able to do quality work in infrastructure construction sites independently, economically, and expeditiously. They are familiar with the soil, the practices of infrastructure construction and the conditions that might influence them as well as the materials of infrastructure construction and their uses. They know how to apply their expertise in finding solutions to their tasks and plan their work accounting for others’ procedures and work. They are able to take stock of the big picture of the construction site and work in cooperation with their co-workers, superiors, and customers. They are able to work safely and skilfully in an infrastructure construction site, and has a strong command of the skills and information from the units they have completed. They know how to listen to instructions and interpret drawings and plans. They are able to use the correct methods and equipment and service the equipment they need. They handle and store the equipment and materials according to instructions. They have sufficient language skills, and they have obtained the required safety cards by completing the respective training courses.