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Qualifications: Rakennus, maanmittaus, talotekniikka

Further Vocational Qualification in Building Maintenance Technology

Valid from 1.6.2021

Pipe fitters (FQ) who have completed the Further vocational qualification in Building Maintenance Technology are able to manage the piping and equipment installations related to HPAC systems at construction sites or, alternatively, carry out fault detection, service and repair measures related to the functioning of HPAC systems. They are able to carry out a pipe fitting assignment according to applicable timetable and quality requirements.

Heating equipment fitters (FQ) who have completed the Further vocational qualification in Building Maintenance Technology are able to carry out the electrical, piping and equipment installations related to heating equipment of properties and small-scale production processes and carry out the related service and repair measures. They are able to independently implement the installation and introduction of heating systems according to applicable timetable and quality requirements. Heating equipment fitters (FQ) install and service heating equipment both at building sites and in existing properties.

Ventilation fitters (FQ) and ventilation sheet-metal workers (FQ) who have completed the Further vocational qualification in Building Maintenance Technology are able to install duct systems and equipment related to building ventilation systems and carry out the repairs related to the functioning of ventilation systems. They are able to perform the installations independently according to the applicable timetable and quality requirements.

Ventilation system cleaners (FQ) who have completed the Further vocational qualification in Building Maintenance Technology are able to carry out work related to the cleaning and adjustment of building ventilation systems and indoor climate measurements. They are able to independently plan and carry out the measures related to the work.

Construction sheet-metal workers (FQ) who have completed the Further vocational qualification in Building Management Technology are capable of making and fitting sheet-metal parts of buildings. They work confidently, at a professional pace and considering the progress of their work. They can independently make and install sheet-metal parts according to applicable timetable and quality requirements.

Technical insulation fitters (FQ) who have completed the Further vocational qualification in Building Management Technology are capable of fitting the technical insulation of technical systems in buildings. They are able to independently carry out the fitting of the insulation according to the applicable timetable and quality requirements.

Chimney Sweeps (FQ) who have completed the Further vocational qualification in Building Management Technology know how to sweep fireplaces and chimney flues in an efficient, correct and clean manner, demonstrating good manual skills. They know the legislation, instructions and recommendations concerning their field. They are able to advise and guide their customers in planning, usage and servicing issues related to combustion, replacement air, fireplaces and chimney flues. They master the basics of fire prevention and know the most important factors affecting fire and housing safety in properties and identify deficiencies and risks.

Refrigeration fitters (FQ) who have completed the Further vocational qualification of Building Maintenance Technology are experienced professionals of refrigeration fitting and maintenance of their field. They are able to install and service all refrigeration equipment and refrigeration plants of their field regardless of their size and the refrigerant used. When necessary, they use their vocational competence to familiarise less experienced refrigeration fitters with different work tasks. They have the capacity to maintain their vocational skills at a high level by following the developments taking place in the refrigeration field.

Further vocational qualification in Infrastructure Construction

Valid from 1.1.2020

Holders of a Further vocational qualification in Infrastructure Construction have the vocational skills needed in work related to infrastructure construction. Qualification holders have mastered the rules and principles of operating in a work community and the environmental perspectives and impacts of their work. They are familiar with different ground types, the methods of infrastructure construction and the conditions affecting them, the materials used in infrastructure construction and the purposes for which they are used. Qualification holders are able to apply their specialist skills to making decisions in their work tasks, plan their work while taking into account the measures and work carried out by others and consider the overall situation at the site.

Further vocational qualification in Land Surveying

Valid from 1.12.2018

Qualification holders know the requirements and objectives related to their activities. They know how to utilise available material and tools. They use the resources available in the operating environment efficiently. Qualification holders are able to work in the field of land surveying independently and in cooperation with others, solving problems, developing the activities and paying attention to the work process as a whole. They produce high-quality results and take into account the organisation's objectives in their work.Qualification holders know the requirements and objectives related to their activities. They know how to utilise available material and tools. They use the resources available in the operating environment efficiently. Qualification holders are able to work in the field of land surveying independently and in cooperation with others, solving problems, developing the activities and paying attention to the work process as a whole. They produce high-quality results and take into account the organisation's objectives in their work.

Specialist Vocational Qualification in Building Maintenance Technology

Valid from 1.1.2019

Pipe fitters (SQ) who have completed the Specialist vocational qualification in Building Maintenance Technology are able to take responsibility for the practical arrangements of a pipe fitting contract and tasks related to the quality management of pipe fitting at construction sites. They also know how to maintain contact with the authorities and collaborate with other stakeholder groups.

Ventilation fitters (SQ) who have completed the Specialist vocational qualification in Building Maintenance Technology are able to take responsibility for the practical arrangements of ventilation fitting contracts and tasks related to the quality management of the installation of ventilation systems at construction sites. They also know how to maintain contact with the authorities and collaborate with other stakeholder groups.

Construction sheet-metal workers (SQ) who have completed the Specialist vocational qualification in Building Maintenance Technology have the practical competence required for tasks related to arranging a construction metal-sheet work contract or technical insulation and their quality management at building construction or renovation work sites. They are capable of guiding a group of fitters and taking responsibility for the group's activities. In addition, they master the communication related to the construction site, to the stakeholders of the construction site and to official regulations.

Chimney sweeps (SQ) who have completed the Specialist vocational qualification in Building Maintenance Technology are able to work as experts of their sector in issues related to fire and housing safety in addition to the traditional chimney sweeping work. They have extensive knowledge of heating technology: combustion, arrangements for replacement air, fuels, heating equipment and their energy efficiency. They master the methods that contribute to the economical use of energy by heating equipment and protecting the environment and are able to present solution models to improve these. They have good knowledge and skills regarding the planning of the operation of a chimney sweeping business and the development of business activities.

In the Competence area in Refrigeration Technology of the Specialist vocational qualification in Building Maintenance Technology, the competence required from professionals of refrigeration technology is demonstrated by working independently as a member of the work community in technical clerical tasks in the refrigeration field. Refrigeration planners who have completed a specialist vocational qualification work with customers and stakeholders in the operating environment and work tasks of the refrigeration field. Qualification holders utilise their broad theoretical knowledge and serve as experts of refrigeration technology to the company's employees and to customers in the refrigeration field. They plan and design refrigeration equipment that fulfils the customer's cooling and heating needs and prepare a quote for the customer. Refrigeration planners who have specialised in the planning and designing of refrigeration systems of their field plan the refrigeration equipment of their field and the related auxiliary systems independently from beginning to end. Those who have specialised in project management manage refrigeration system projects and sites independently and serve as supervisors to fitters as necessary. They perform the technical documentation on the refrigeration system delivered to the customer. Those who have specialised in electrical work and electrical planning draw up electrical plans for refrigeration systems independently. They give instructions to the electricians performing the electrical work related to refrigeration fitting and servicing, and once they have acquired sufficient vocational skills, they may be in charge of electrical work in a company.

Specialist Vocational Qualification in Infrastructure Construction

Valid from 1.1.2018

Qualification holders are able to do quality work in infrastructure construction sites independently, economically, and expeditiously. They are familiar with the soil, the practices of infrastructure construction and the conditions that might influence them as well as the materials of infrastructure construction and their uses. They know how to apply their expertise in finding solutions to their tasks and plan their work accounting for others’ procedures and work. They are able to take stock of the big picture of the construction site and work in cooperation with their co-workers, superiors, and customers. They are able to work safely and skilfully in an infrastructure construction site, and has a strong command of the skills and information from the units they have completed. They know how to listen to instructions and interpret drawings and plans. They are able to use the correct methods and equipment and service the equipment they need. They handle and store the equipment and materials according to instructions. They have sufficient language skills, and they have obtained the required safety cards by completing the respective training courses.

Vocational qualification in Building Maintenance Technology

Valid from 1.8.2022

Pipe fitters are able to use the basic tools of the sector and correct techniques, select the right brackets and other materials for each site and complete ordinary pipe installations. They are able to work independently and in a quality-conscious, customer service oriented and co-operative manner. Ventilation fitters know how to complete channel and equipment installations associated with ventilation systems in new buildings following drawings and work instructions and make channel components for ventilation systems. They are able to use the basic tools of the sector and correct techniques, and select the right brackets and other materials for each site. Construction sheet-metal workers know how to install metal roofing and façades of buildings following drawings and installation instructions as well as install sheet metal components on building façades and felt, tile and profile elements on roofs and perform sheet metal work on seam roofs. They are able to use the basic tools of the sector and correct techniques and select the right materials for each site. Technical insulation fitters know how to perform insulation work on devices related to HVAC technology and on piping. They install insulation and coatings associated with heating, ventilation and refrigeration systems, use the basic tools and correct techniques of the sector, and select the right materials for each site. Refrigeration fitters know how to install the equipment and pipes of a refrigeration unit following drawings and work instructions, use the basic tools of the sector and correct techniques, and select the right insulation and other materials for each site.

Vocational qualification in Construction

Valid from 1.8.2022

Qualification holders who have completed the competence area of construction are able to perform foundation stage tasks on a building construction site and know how to perform work on outer and partition walls as well as roof framing tasks, including laying insulation, following plans and documents. They know how to use the basic tools of the construction site as well as correct working methods and materials. They work independently and in a quality-conscious, customer serviceoriented and co-operative manner. Qualification holders who have completed the competence area of masonry know how to make stone products, install stone products or quarry natural stone. Following drawings, they are able to make different construction stone products for interior decoration, façades and environmental and garden construction, build foundation structures for stonework according to plans, lay interior decoration stones, façade stones, and environmental and garden stones as well as build fireplaces. The candidates have knowledge of the basics of geology and excavation technology, and they work independently and in a quality-conscious, customer service-oriented and co-operative manner. Qualification holders who have completed the competence area of infrastructure construction are able to perform work on an ordinary infrastructure construction site and municipal engineering work, such as building surface drainage and waste water systems as well as water supply systems and their equipment. They know how to operate machinery in excavation work and are able to use the basic tools of a construction site as well as correct working methods and materials. Qualification holders who have completed the competence area of earthmover operation can use at least one earthmoving machine safely and in compliance with instructions and regulations on ordinary earthmoving sites. They know how to carry out the most typical measurement and marking tasks on excavation sites and are able to use the basic tools of a construction site as well as correct working methods and materials.

Vocational Qualification in Land Surveying

Valid from 1.8.2022

Surveyors who have completed the vocational qualification in land surveying are able to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned to changing situations in working life. They understand their work as part of the whole and take into account the tasks and expectations of professionals of closely related vocational fields in their work. They know the recommendations, guidelines, regulations and legislation concerning their work and carry out their work in compliance with quality requirements, safety regulations and statutes. Surveyors are able to plan their work and schedules based on documents, plans and drawings. They handle tools with care. Surveyors are capable of presenting and assessing their own work as well as preparing the necessary printed materials and reports. They can manage interactive situations in their work using one foreign language and both national languages.