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Qualifications: Cleaning and Property Services

Vocational Qualification in Cleaning and Property Services

Valid from 1.8.2022
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Holders of a vocational qualification in cleaning and property services are able to work in cleaning and property services tasks at customer sites and in customer service situations according to the service agreement applying to the customer site. Qualification holders may specialise in property maintenance, domestic services or site facilities services according to their competence area. Depending on the optional units they have chosen, qualification holders are able to plan and implement cleaning services at different customer sites including residential properties, hotel and other accommodation facilities, shopping centres and store facilities, special situations at home, means of transport, educational institutions and day-care centres, social care institutions, healthcare institutions, industrial plants, healthcare facilities or swimming pool and spa facilities. In addition, qualification holders may through optional units specialise in the provision of assistance services and errand services, management of building control systems, operation of building automation, provision of home meal services, deep cleaning services, maintenance cleaning services, maintenance of garden and outdoor areas, care for clothing and textiles, maintenance of HPAC systems in working order, constructional repairs, and workplace instruction.

Further Vocational Qualification in Cleaning and Property Services

Valid from 1.3.2020
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Holders of the further vocational qualification in cleaning and property services are able to work in property, domestic and cleaning services tasks at customer sites and in customer service situations according to the service agreement applying to the customer site. Qualification holders may specialise in personal assistance, property maintenance, domestic services, institutional cleaning, technical property maintenance, or site facilities operation in accordance with their qualification titles.

Depending on the optional units they have chosen (in total 31 units of which students choose 90 competence points), qualification holders are able to plan and implement cleaning services at different customer sites including food industry facilities, special sites, hotel, and other accommodation facilities, shopping centres and store facilities, culture historical sites, means of transport, educational institutions and day-care centres, clean spaces, construction cleaning, industrial plants, healthcare facilities, or swimming pool and spa facilities.

In addition, qualification holders may through optional units specialise in the production of assistance and care-giving services, provision of assistance for using different services, maintenance of house plants, management of building technology systems, adjustment and operation of building automation, production of food home delivery services, basic cleaning services, maintenance of garden and outdoor areas, clothes and textile care, workplace instruction, maintenance and service of swimming pools, operating and servicing machines used for maintaining outdoor areas as well as environmental maintenance services.

Specialist Vocational Qualification in Cleaning and Property Services

Valid from 1.1.2018
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Holders of a specialist vocational qualification in cleaning and property services know how to plan and manage service provision and maintain and develop customer relationships in their area of responsibility. They know how to assume responsibility for delivering and improving service quality on a customer site and manage the profitability of their area of responsibility. Qualification holders are able to work as supervisors in the cleaning and property services sector, anticipate personnel needs and recruit personnel. They know how to organise personnel induction training as well as improve their own and their work organisation's competence.

Candidates for a specialist vocational qualification in cleaning and property services may specialise in managing eco-efficiency, assessing the functioning and functional condition of a property, managing multi-service activities, developing cleaning and property services as well as dimensioning and sales of cleaning and property services.